Sorry I have been away for so long. I had a second necessary neck fusion at C5-C6, where the bone grew over the nerve. After the surgery, which was last summer, I had trouble speaking. It seems upon intubation for neck surgery, they placed a hole in my vocal cord. In December, I had to go to NYC at Mt. Sinai and have it repaired. It has been a tough few years for me and I haven't been on this site for quite a while. Thank you Cathy for answering some of the questions posed.
On a better note, I have been struggling to prepare to go to Virginia for my step-son's wedding. I lost half of my hair due to anesthesia and had to find a topper and all sorts of things to prepare for this formal affair. I was unsure if I would make it up until two weeks before. We went and had an amazing time. I am just coming out of this two year horror and am gaining my strength back little by little. So very sorry to have disappeared on you all but that is what happened.
I have some new requests and will get to everyone in the not too distant future. I am not in remission now, but am still not doing too badly with Vyvanse and am thrilled with no side effects as with the other medications (plus they stopped working and always had to go back and forth between Adderall and Dexedrine). The medication is still the most helpful with this disorder and the diet helps with the gastroparesis which I suffer with the most. I am coming back so please be patient as it has been a tough go but I am coming out the other side thank goodness.
Healing Hugs!! 🙏🏻 So sorry to hear what you have been going through.
E! It's been a very long time yet happy to to hear your journey has a decent ending or at least light at the end of the tunnel. Sending healing vibes your way.