I hope everyone is well especially during this difficult time with Covid adding to the mix. I had my cervical fusion done with plastic (polyethylene glycol) instead of metal which has its benefits. I am still recuperating and it takes approximately one year to heal. I will be at six months at the end of this month. I have been out of remission once at three months post op and it wasn't too bad with the pain. I am still fighting for my Vyvanse, which there is no generic form. Dexedrine and Adderal stopped working for me about a year ago. I could switch from one to the other every year or so and it was fine, until it wasn't. I was denied in the first 2 stages. The first was with Dr. Check and staff fighting for me, the second was decided by who knows who. I am in the 3rd and final stage with my Pensions and Benefits. Awaiting a determination from Policy and Planning. The first call on phone one hour and today 2 hours on hold. Same 3 songs over and over and over. I am hoping my persistence wins out. They will send me an email of my status (as they are backlogged with Covid) or their determination on my medication. Have spent $1,500 so far out of pocket. I don't want to change or try anything due to healing from multi-cervical fusion. With the medication it seems to be one kind of fight or another but was doing well overall since 2003. Bottom line: Insurance company doesn't want to pay. They deny any brand name medications. This is my third since retirement and the worst one (Optimum), which I assure it is not, optimum that is. ;-) Wishing you all good health. Let me know how you are doing.
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