I have seen in some studies that a low sodium diet is recommended for those with idiopathic edema. I don't really track my sodium intake but I am careful about what I eat and typically avoid things like Chinese takeout or processed foods like canned soup with >1000mg sodium per serving. Unless I eat a LOT of salty food (which would make almost anyone bloated), I haven't noticed a significant impact of sodium intake on my fluid retention.
I'm interested to hear others' experience with sodium intake-- do you follow a low sodium diet? Do you feel that it makes a difference?
I have gradually shifted toward eating more natural and whole foods, less processed foods with fewer ingredients, eating full-fat dairy, and foods without added sugar or salt. This may not be specific to idiopathic edema but I feel better overall.
Do you follow a specific diet? Are there any foods that you avoid because they exacerbate your edema?
You gain belly fat with processed carbs and that is the last thing that we need! We also need to remember that they don't live with this disorder and we may find certain things helpful in addition to the medication. Sharing information is so helpful.
Before starting on adderall, I had been advised to eat a sodium free diet. Not obtainable, but I sure tried. I lost about 10 lbs when I cut gluten, and 14 lbs in six days from cutting dairy from my diet. I follow a modified Whole30 food plan and add salt now. I do find that processed carbs cause me to retain fluid, so i try to keep my carb count fairly low.
Agreed, I follow a healthy diet, do my best to avoid processed foods. Organic all the way - regardless if it’s fruit or veggies, cleaning products. Feel like eating well along with the Adderall, exercising keeping my stress as low as possible, all helps. That said haven’t ever over-salted food as I understand it and as described above, IE & sodium intake aren’t linked.
This disorder has nothing to do with sodium intake. Of course you should still not take in too much salt in general for overall health. The fluid occurs when standing or sitting as the fluid spills from the intracellular space to the extracellular space. The dynamic of this disorder is different which is why diuretics are not too helpful. If you would like I can send you articles by Dr. Check as he address this in the literature. Foods do not exacerbate this disorder but I do eat healthy with little to no processed foods. I do avoid artificial anything as it is a toxin to the body and we already have a problem with that and I find I do not tolerate that well. It is better to eat fresh or non-processed whenever you can as you will just feel better overall.