Whenever I have a swelling episodes I’ll get these purple bruises that look similar to a ”wine stain” birthmark. Once the swelling goes away so the the marks. Anyone else experienced something similar to the picture below?
Notbing to be too freaked out about, the doc explained that the rapid onset of weight gain often breaks capilaries close to the skins surface.

I had a small cat scratch and it took about 3 weeks to finally disappear. That seems to be part of this disorder as so many of us have these vasomotor changes.
Interesting , I to bruise very easily and they do seem to last for a very long time .
For me it is the same. Marks last forever no matter what they are from. I bruised easily since I was a child and they thought I may have leukemia. I still remember going into NYC to be evaluated and they didn't find anything wrong. That was always the frustration. Never finding why I had problems with my menstrual cycle, with edema and skin issues and bruising. Must be in your head was the thought of more egocentric doctors that felt you must be nuts if they can't find anything wrong with you. It has been a lifetime of that type of frustration, but I never deal with doctors who are not willing to listen. We know our bodies better than they do. I recently was seen by someone who was so concerned as to why my knee was so red. I said, "Oh I just crossed my legs for a few minutes." That is all it takes. Then I tell them I have a hypofunctioning of my Sympathetic Nervous System.
I don't get bruise marks like that, but in general I seem to bruise easily and bruises take a long time to fade. Mosquito bites or any kind of scrape or cut (especially on my ankles or feet) take a long time to completely heal and can leave a scar/dark mark for a while.
Really? Brown marks? Do you have a picture of what they look like?
Interesting! I don't get the bruise like marks, but I do get brown marks on my lower legs when I have severe swelling. They take months to fade.